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“We will never give up hope”

A man holding a child and standing in front of a white shed with other kids standing beside him

Abdo and his children in Alkwlah camp

Abdo and his children in Alkwlah camp

Six years of relentless armed conflict have made Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. 20.7 million people in Yemen – 66 percent of the population – are estimated to need some form of humanitarian assistance, 12.1 million of whom are in acute need. Yemeni people are facing a crisis in obtaining even the basic necessities they need to maintain their health and well-being.

The prolonged conflict has fueled huge internal displacement, leaving Yemen with the fourth-highest level of internal displacement in the world. More than 4 million people have been displaced since 2015, including 172,000 who fled their homes in 2020 alone. The situation for displaced people remains challenging as they don’t have access to shelter, food, water, health and other basic services.

Abdo is a 45-year-old father of six children from Ibb province, in southern Yemen. Prior to the conflict, he used to work as a farmer and provide the basics for his children: food, clean water and paying school fees.

A man wearing a white helmet
Abdo hopes that one day he will return to his beautiful village in Ibb

One day, fighting broke in Abdo’s village, and the family got caught between two warring parties. They were trapped inside their home for days. As food and water ran out, Abdo thought it was unwise to stay any longer. “We had to make a difficult decision to either stay home and experience hunger and death or flee to the unknown and leave everything behind,” he says. Eventually, the family made their way to Marib Al Wadi, a district in Yemen’s northeastern province of Marib, seeking refuge in Alkwlah IDP camp.

When he reached Marib, Abdo started to look for work in the surrounding farms. However, the influx of large numbers of IDPs into Marib put an additional burden on resources and infrastructure in hosting communities. “Landlords here prefer to farm their lands by themselves,” says Abdo, “now I do simple work for a small daily wage, yet it is not enough to sustain my family.”

He adds; “I have been displaced for nearly four years. When we fled our home in Ibb, my youngest child Eyad was a newly born infant. Due to the high temperature here, Eyad got meningococcemia, which has affected his ability to hear and speak.”

Fortunately for Abdo’s family and other displaced families in Marib Al Wadi, with funding from UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), CARE has worked to rehabilitate water and sewage networks in Alkwlah camp. Through cash-for-work activities, displaced people living in the camp have been able to improve much-needed water and sanitation services, while at the same time earning a monthly wage of 62$ to buy food, medicine and other essentials.

“With the money I earned, I bought new clothes for my children for the first time in a very long time. Also, I will enroll my older daughter in school, so she can complete her education and have a better future. Thanks to CARE, we are grateful for the assistance and we will never give up hope,” he concludes.


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