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Water Sanitation & Hygiene

A CARE employee assists a woman with a water jerry can.
Water is a scarce resource: Millions of people in Yemen don’t have access to clean water. Most water sources have been destroyed and people have less than a glass of water a day to drink. CARE helps by repairing old water sources and building new ones. Until today, CARE provided 1.3 million Yemenis with clean water.

After more than six years of conflict, Yemen’s water and sanitation systems have almost entirely collapsed, with a total of 15.4 million people lacking access to safe water and sanitation.

Deadly waterborne diseases like cholera have claimed hundreds of lives over the past years.

CARE conducts multiple comprehensive water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in most of the operational governorates to enhance people’s access to adequate safe water and sanitation services.

Through our WASH programming, CARE is giving communities much-needed access to clean water. In emergency situations we carry out water trucking, and in less urgent situations we work with communities to construct and rehabilitate water networks and water schemes.

We provide hygiene kits to those most in need consisting of soap, detergent and other essential items, and we conduct hygiene awareness sessions to equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to combat infectious diseases like Covid-19 and cholera which thrive in poor and conflict-affected areas.

In addition, CARE constructs latrines and sanitation facilities, restoring dignity and hygiene to those who often lack facilities.