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Yemen Factsheet - May 2022

Yemen Fact Sheet

The war in Yemen has now entered into its eighth year and the country remains the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Based on the recently released Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for 2022, 23.4 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance (22 percent women; 55 percent children). By the end of 2022, 19 million will experience acute food insecurity with 131,000 at risk of extreme hunger or famine. With only a third of the required funding pledged this year, the country’s collapsing economy and insufficient access to public services, millions of Yemenis will continue to struggle to access food, water, education, healthcare and livelihoods. CARE works to respond to emergencies, helping Yemenis strengthen their resilience, and helps ensure voices of the most vulnerable are heard. Across 14 governorates in Yemen, CARE reaches 2.8 million people a year with food security and livelihoods, WASH, reproductive health, women’s economic empowerment and education programs.

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