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Working together to help flood-affected families

A man and woman standing outside

Ahmed Abubakr and his wife by their house

Ahmed Abubakr and his wife by their house

The port city of Aden in southern Yemen was hit by devastating flash floods after torrential rain in April 2020. The damage was significant, with streets turned to rivers and floodwater sweeping away vehicles and people. Buildings, homes, and infrastructure were destroyed, and sadly fatalities and injuries were reported. Consequently, the Yemeni government declared Aden a disaster area. Residents were left to face the after-effects of the floods along with the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.


A man standing in front of a crack in a wall
Ahmed showing the damage that floods caused in his house

Sixty-nine-year-old Ahmed Abubakr lives with his family in a small house in Al Muallah district of Aden. “I remember that day clearly,” says Ahmed. “It was heartbreaking to watch all our possessions gushing out with the floodwater. Right before our eyes, everything vanished. We had to run to the roof so we wouldn’t be swept away as well.”

From the roof, Ahmed and his family saw a messy stack of vehicles, mud, rocks and wreckages blocking the road. When they went down from the roof, they were shocked by what they saw. “There was no furniture,” he says. “Water and mud filled our house instead. We didn’t know what to do.”

Ahmed’s house was badly damaged – cracks appeared on the walls and the ground and it was necessary to quickly rehabilitate the house before it collapsed. Moreover, floods had washed away Ahmad’s taxi, which was the family’s only source of income.

With funding from START Fund, CARE’s emergency response for flood-affected areas provided urgent cash assistance for 631 affected families like Ahmed’s. The families gratefully used the cash to buy necessities and to rehabilitate their damaged houses.

With the cash assistance, Ahmed bought building materials and started to rehabilitate his home immediately, beginning with repairing the sewage system in the house to protect the family’s health.

In addition to cash assistance to affected families, the intervention supported the local authorities in Aden to remove tons of rubble and waste from the streets through providing waste containers as well as bulldozers and water displacement mechanisms.

“The situation is extremely difficult in Aden these days,” says Ahmed. “Many basic services stopped due to COVID-19 prevention. Although life is more difficult now, I’m grateful that I still get clean drinking water and can move freely. Life continues anyway.”


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