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Multisector Humanitarian Response Programme (MHRP): Agricultural activities in Taiz of Yemen

The MHRP supported people in Abr Valley, Bani Shaibah village who depend on agriculture as the main of source of income.

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Multisector Humanitarian Response Programme (MHRP) in Yemen

The four-year MHRP focused on food security and addressing the high prevalence of acute malnutrition.

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MHRP provides Ali & his mother with an income to resume his study

CARE supports 4,775 families with Unconditional Cash Transfers that prioritise female and child-headed households.

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Yemen: climate change impacts exacerbate the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

Prolonged conflict in Yemen has resulted in more than 4 million internally displaced people (IDPs)

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Providing clean water to save time & lives

To access safe water, CARE helped 2,500 people in Demnt Khader district of Taiz governorate.

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Working together to support the children of Yemen to have a better future

CARE helped to promote fair and equal access to quality education

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WASH and Cash Assistance project supporting conflict affected IDPs & host communities in Amran

Provision of WASH and Cash Assistance which allows IDP's to meet their basic needs

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Vocational trainings enabling youth to enter the job market with better qualifications

Through vocational trainings youths in Yemen can sharpen their skills and start their own business

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Making lives safer by constructing water tanks in Amran

CARE makes accessing water much safer by constructing water tanks and water collection points for communities in Yemen

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Samar's story of loss, hope and survival: displacement behind the statistics

Samar broke the vicious circle of displacement by helping other displaced people, especially women.

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Our clean city, our dream city

CARE works to reduce the spread of disease as well as provide much-needed temporary income for cleaning workers.

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Enhancing incomes with EU funding

Local communities in Yemen received cash in exchange for working to rebuild and rehabilitate important infrastructure

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Sustainable incomes for families in rural Lahj

With EU funding, CARE provided cash to 100 families as well as organizing a course in beekeeping,

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Becoming a garden farmer in Yemen

CARE organized courses in cultivation, veterinary medicine and bee-keeping and provided cash to vulnerable households.

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A new school for a bright future

The current conflict in Yemen spiralled six years ago and has devastated the country’s already fragile education system.

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Working side by side to improve lives

Millions of Yemeni people live in extremely difficult situations as a result of the conflict.

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Helping Yemeni people to withstand challenges

Millions of people are struggling to find their next meal & a lack of access to basic services

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Multisector Humanitarian Response Programme (MHRP) in Taiz & Al Hudaydah in Yemen

MHRP programe aims to address the high prevalence of acute malnutrition in target areas.

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Multisector Humanitarian Response Programme (MHRP): Food Security and Nutrition, WASH & Health

MHRP is helping to improve access to humanitarian assistance for conflict-affected communities

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Multisector Humanitarian Response Programme (MHRP) is saving lives through community committees

The MHRP established static and mobile health units and community-based health and nutrition management systems

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Reproductive healthcare is much-needed in Yemen

Due to long distances, lack of transport & no nearby health centers pregnant women often have to give birth at home

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Reproductive Health Matters

Pregnant women in Yemen often can't get to healthcare centers to see a midwife due to long & expensive journeys.

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CARE WASH – Constructing water tanks in rural areas guarantees residents' safety when fetching water

In rural areas of Yemen people often have to fetch water by donkey, going by rough, dangerous mountain roads.

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For a better life: Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen

Through the Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen programme CARE has provided 250 grants to people

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Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen

Through the ERRY project, CARE along with other organizations is helping to support Yemenis to become self-sufficient

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Free energy: Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen

Through the (ERRY) programme CARE provided grants to establish and develop small businesses

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No education = no opportunities

Half a million internally displaced children in Yemen are not in school.

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CARE builds water tanks & latrines in Yemen for conflict-affected people

Water is scarce in Yemen, & women and children often have to travel long distances to find water for their families.

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CARE is helping people who have had to flee from violence

Sawsan tells the story of having to flee from Hodeidah, where she and her family had a good life.

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CARE Yemen: Dutch Projects in Yemen

The impact of the ongoing activities of the SHO project in Taiz governorate and the implementation of projects

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CARE WASH - Yemen Joint Response III

The Yemen Joint Response III partners are working to improve access to clean water, latrines and toilets

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The journey of internally displaced people in Yemen

The story of three women who had to flee violence and leave their life behind searching for safety.

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CARE Food Security and Livelihoods Project

20 million Yemenis are in real need of food as a result of the ongoing war and people are suffering from poverty

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IRC Mobile Clinic- Yemen Joint Response III

Yemeni people could not access proper nutrition as a result of the war

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CARE Yemen: World Humanitarian Day 2017

Bringing hope to more than 27million Yemeni

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CARE Yemen : The Impossible Choices for Yemeni Women

The impossible choices that Yemeni women & their families face as a result of conflict, famine & Cholera

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Sana'a Yemen international airport closure 2nd year

For two years, Yemen's main airport remains closed to all commercial flights

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Yemen after Three Years of War

This is a brief about the current humanitarian situation in Yemen after three years of conflict and distraction.

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CARE: Third Year of War in Yemen

Yemenis lives after three years of war that has started on March 2015.

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International Women's Day CARE

International women’s Day is a global day where women celebrate social, economical and cultural achievements of women.

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CARE Yemen: My Biggest Wish for 2018

CARE's aid worker Abdulhakim Al-Ansi describing the situation in Yemen during 2017.

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