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Three reasons to be happy

A boy standing in front of a mud house

Mohammed outside his house

Mohammed outside his house

Mohammed Salem is eighteen years old. He lives with his wife, mother and brother in a house consisting of two rooms in Al Habeel village in Hodeidah, Yemen. Mohammed used to work as a farmer but after the war started he lost his job like many other people in the village. “It was a very difficult situation for me and my family,” says Mohammed.

Four years of war in Yemen have devastated the country and caused a severe economic decline. The livelihoods of 1.7 million rural households dependent on agricultural production have deteriorated or been destroyed. Many people in Mohammed’s village have lost their source of income because of the increase in prices of water trucks, petrol and gas.

Responding to the dire situation with funding from the UK Department for International Development, CARE is supporting people by providing cash for work, food assistance and unconditional cash. Mohammed was one of the young people to be registered in the cash for work activity.

“As part of the cash for work  activity we rehabilitated Al Salem School in the village,” Mohammed told us proudly. “I was responsible for painting the walls and I also helped to build new classrooms. This work made me very happy for three reasons:  I was helping my village, earning money and learning a new skill at the same time.”

With a bright smile on his face, Mohammed says: “With the money I earned I was able to provide food for my family and take my pregnant wife for monthly check-ups. I was also able to buy tools and build a room for me and my wife. Thank you CARE for the support you are providing us. I hope these activities will continue in the village because they are really helping us to survive the effects of the war.”

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