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Recovering from the devastating aftermath of flash floods

A man standing outside near a brick wall

Ali and his family were terrified when the floodwater broke the wall and hit their hut

Ali and his family were terrified when the floodwater broke the wall and hit their hut

Yemen has been severely affected by the heavy rains that hit different parts of the country in 2020. The flash floods caused numerous damages and even loss of life. According to the UN, an estimated 300,000 Yemeni people lost their homes, crops, livestock and possessions, and 148 people died. The deadly flash floods combined with the accumulated impact of years of conflict has worsened humanitarian needs across Yemen, which remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

“The floods came unexpectedly that day,” says Ali Zebri, a 45-years-old father of six children from Al Meghlaf district of Al Hudaydah governorate. Ali works as a farmer for a daily wage. Every day, he walks to the neighbouring farms, looking for work to secure food and other basics for his family.

Al Hudaydah, Yemen’s principal port on the Red Sea, is one of the most flood-affected areas. Due to the high temperature and poor economic conditions in the coastal plain, residents often live in a one-room hut made of palm fronds and tree branches and surrounded by a wall.

A group of people standing in line in a room
Flood-affected families receive unconditional cash assistance

One day, the sky was pouring with rain as Ali was coming home back from the farm. He suddenly noted a major flood was about to sweep through the village’s entrance. Ali rushed to reach his house before the flood. But unfortunately, the floodwater was faster. Just in front of his eyes, floodwater crashed over Ali’s flimsy house, destroying the walls and washing away his belongings as well as his three goats.

Luckily for Ali’s family and other flood-affected families in Al Meghlaf district, CARE rapidly intervened with generous funding from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

The response provided unconditional cash assistance to 722 vulnerable households in the affected villages of Al Meghlaf district to buy lifesaving items like food and water and help them to repair their damaged houses.

“The money I received from CARE helped me to rebuild the walls of my house and buy essential kitchen utilities,” says Ali. “I hope to build a new kitchen for my family in the near future,” he concludes.

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