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Helping a mother take better care of her children

A woman and kids washing their hands

Asia shows her children and other displaced families how to wash their hands correctly.

Asia shows her children and other displaced families how to wash their hands correctly.

The armed conflict in Yemen continues to take a severe toll on civilians, including women and children. Since 2015, a total of 3.6 million Yemenis have been internally displaced, of whom at least 75% are women and children. Displaced women and girls suffer from poor shelter options and limited access to basic services, which threatens their safety and wellbeing.

Since the beginning of 2020, the country has had an upsurge in cholera cases as well as dengue fever, chikungunya, malaria, and coronavirus cases. The impact of the conflict and health crisis combined with seasonal rains and flash floods has intensified the suffering of displaced families who live in temporary and very basic settlements.

Asia Abdo, a mother of two, fled her home after the eruption of a new wave of violence in Al Hudaydah governorate. “I lost everything when the fighting broke out,” she says. “The war took everything.”

After a hard journey, Asia and her family reached Abyan governorate. They were exhausted, frightened, and empty-handed. The family settled in a collective shelter, sharing a small space with five families who has also been forced to flee their hometowns.

Shortly after settling in Abyan, Asia’s husband Ibrahim started to work as a labourer in the farms. He spends twelve hours working hard to collect crops and deliver them to the city market. Ibrahim feels sad and unsatisfied as he reminisces about his old home and stable business. Nowadays, he makes less than two dollars a day, which is a very small amount given the time and effort he devotes, but it’s the only way to help the family.

A man carrying a green basin
Ibrahim, Asia’s husband, receiving RRM package

To address the urgent needs of newly displaced people, CARE partnered with the UNFPA-led Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) to deliver life-saving emergency supplies to vulnerable people displaced in Abyan governorate.
“Food kit, hygiene kit, and female transit/dignity kit are the most critical needs for any family during the first days of displacement,” says Asia. “This package helps in providing timely relief.”

RRM packages preserve internally displaced people (IDPs)’s dignity and safety. Also, It improves the level of hygiene inside IDPs settlements, which prevent the spread of diseases. During the distribution of RRM packages, beneficiaries also receive hygiene awareness sessions using information, education, and communication materials. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, distribution teams provide hand sanitizer to staff and beneficiaries and enforce social distancing at distribution points.

Asia explains: “We didn’t care about personal hygiene before and it wasn’t a priority. With the recent spread of diseases, personal hygiene, as well as household and children hygiene became daily habits.”

A man washing hands
RRM beneficiaries implementing hand sanitizing and social distancing at the distribution point

Asia expressed her gratitude for the support she received. Her family is beginning to recover from the trauma they endured during their displacement, but she is still concerned about the future and hopes to have a home and stable income for her children.

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