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Enough food for our daily meals

A man standing in front of a stone building

Ahmed Abdo outside his shelter

Ahmed Abdo outside his shelter

The Yemen conflict has been ongoing for almost five years. A total of 4 million people have been internally displaced, of whom at least 75% are women and children who face protection risks.

Ahmed Abdo is a 50-year-old internally displaced person (IDP) from Al Rujum district of Al-Mahwit governorate in the west of Yemen. He currently lives in a one-room building with his 8-year-old-daughter and his wife.

Before the war, Ahmed used to work as a builder earning a daily wage. “Building houses and farming were my main sources of income,” he says. “The money I used to earn allowed me a decent living and enabled me to support my family. I could buy daily basics and didn’t have to pay any rent since I lived in my own home. Buying medication is a big deal for me because I suffer from hernia sickness due to the difficulty of my work.”  

A room with a brick wall and bags and a green bag
Inside Ahmed’s one-room home

With the hardship of life in many areas of Yemen, communities have been forced to leave their homes and their lives behind. They seek safety and refuge elsewhere, becoming vulnerable IDPs.

Ahmed and his family had to flee with broken hearts. Their lives became miserable. “Because of the increased prices of seeds and the hardship of farming in general, my family and I were forced to leave our home and village to look for another place to live. We decided to go to Amran governorate. Being jobless was hard for me and on top of all that, I wanted to enrol my daughter at school to have a better education, but I can’t afford to pay for her school in Amran.”

Ahmed has been looking for any kind of work to provide his family with the things they need and to pay the rent, but he searches in vain because of his age and sickness. “We used to live with the generous assistance of people in Amran,” he says.

Thankfully CARE intervened with a UNFPA-funded Rapid Response Mechanism kit. Ahmed’s family was given much-needed food like canned beans, tuna and oil. They received a hygiene kit containing 2kg of detergent, 20 soaps bars, two plastic containers of 20 litres, one plastic washing container and a 2.5-litre kettle. They also received cash assistance of 65,000 Yemeni Riyals.

“Thanks to CARE we now have enough food for our daily meals,” says Ahmed. “My daughter now receives a proper education at a private school and I can pay the monthly rent. I hope you can continue this programme so that I can furnish my room and buy medicine for my sickness.”

A man and child sitting outside of a building
Ahmed and his daughter next to the family’s home
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