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Education is the foundation of development

A woman wearing a black hijab stands confidently in front of a whiteboard, ready to present or teach.

Tahani standing by the whiteboard in the classroom at her centre

Tahani standing by the whiteboard in the classroom at her centre

Since the war in Yemen started five years ago, life has become much more complicated for Tahani and her family. They were dependent on the income her husband used to receive from working for a company, but as so many companies shut down because of the collapse of the economy and currency, they found themselves without income.

Tahani, a 46-year-old woman from Aden, says: “I was constantly worried, crying at night. I felt like I had failed to provide a decent life for my children.”

Despite conflict and hardship Tahani doing her best to cope with the situation. Before the war, she and her husband thought about starting up a restaurant. They gathered some money together by selling Tahani’s jewellery and borrowing from relatives. Sadly, due to the continuous violence, their restaurant project failed. It was a financial disaster for the family.

Fortunately for Tahani, a year later she was invited to take part in a CARE project focused on women’s economic empowerment. The project is funded by the H&M Foundation, and aims to support women to become economically empowered by providing them with training in business skills and management, as well as small loans.

A woman wearing a black burqa , standing in a dimly lit room.
Tahani in the classroom at her training centre

After she had received the training from CARE, Tahani began to think about setting up her own business. She had always lived by the motto: “Education is the foundation of development,” so she decided to establish a training centre in her family’s apartment. Her brother and mother helped her to buy equipment and to prepare the training centre, and after a few months of work, the project succeeded.

Tahani says: “I rented another apartment for my mother and the whole family apartment became a training centre. After I registered in CARE’s project, many things have changed for me and my family.”
With the loan from CARE, she has been able to develop and expand her centre. She bought a generator, an air conditioning unit and some furniture, and was able to increase the capacity of the centre and make more profit.

“This project changed my life for the better. I was able to send my children to a better school and their grades improved a lot. Thank you to everyone who helped me,” she says happily.

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