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Diminishing the Threat of Hunger Through Support to Vulnerable Families in Amran Governorate

A family sitting on rocks in front of a house

Ali sits with some of his children near their home in Arman governorate. Photo: Abdulrahman Alhobishi/CARE

Ali sits with some of his children near their home in Arman governorate. Photo: Abdulrahman Alhobishi/CARE

According to the UN, nearly 4.5 million people have been internally displaced across Yemen since 2015. Due to the ongoing conflict and prevalence of natural disasters like floods, people have had to leave their homes, seeking safety and shelter in other areas. The protracted and recurring nature of conflict continues to drive civilian displacement, increasing people’s existing vulnerabilities and food security. The latest humanitarian response plan indicates that 17.3 million people experience high levels of acute food insecurity (AFI). Hunger and malnutrition are among the most pressing challenges in Yemen today.

Ali, a 40-year-old displaced person, lives in Amran Governorate, As Sawd District, located in western central Yemen, with his wife and six children (four girls and two boys). Prior to the conflict, Ali used to be a farmer in Hajjah Governorate, and farming was his main source of income for his family. He used to have a stable life and was able to put food on the table for his family. However, the conflict changed everything for Ali and his family and they had to flee seeking safety in Amran Governorate.

A man standing in front of a mud house in a rural village.
Ali stands next to his home after displacement. Photo: Abdulrahman Alhobishi/CARE

“I lost everything I had. I had no accommodation and no work when I arrived in Amran. I struggle to buy basic food for my family. We used to eat one meal a day which caused malnutrition and diseases among my children. I am also suffering from a kidney stone due to the unclean water I used,” says Ali. Yemen imports 90 per cent of its food which makes it highly exposed to external shocks, including decline in remittances and international food price hikes, partially due to the Ukraine crisis as well as currency fluctuations.

Since 2015, many families have considered education an unnecessary expense, choosing to prioritize food. Financial insecurity within families, multiple displacements, distant schools, lack of teachers and safety and security are drivers to increased vulnerability. “I decided not to let my children study in order to avoid the financial burden and to use the money to provide them with food,” says Ali.

CARE provides unconditional cash transfers to support 2,404 vulnerable families in Amran Governorate with six rounds of payments of 50,000 Yemeni Rials (YER) to mitigate the hardships they face and to help them cope with food shortages.

The assistance provided by CARE has had a significant impact on Ali’s life. The regular cash assistance has enabled him to provide his family with food, and he has been able to save some money to build an additional room next to his house. “Our life condition has improved significantly since we received the regular cash assistance. I can provide food such as flour and oil for my family. We now have three meals a day,” states Ali, “I hope this supports continues so I and my family have enough food daily, be able to pay for medication in case of sickness and pay for my children’s education.

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