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CARE calls for immediate ceasefire in Aden as vulnerable children and elderly suffer in extreme heat

Following an escalation in hostilities in Aden, CARE calls for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians affected by the fighting. On the eve of Eid al-Adha, when families should be celebrating together in peace and harmony, the latest violence demonstrates a total disregard for the people of Yemen.

“We are extremely worried for people’s safety in Aden,” says Jolien Veldwijk, CARE Yemen’s Program and Operations Director currently in Aden. “Over the last couple of days we have been hearing and seeing heavy fighting in our neighbourhoods and our staff have been experiencing heavy conflict in their streets. We urge the parties to put down their weapons and think of the innocent people being trapped without water and electricity. Children and the elderly are suffering especially in the extreme heat of Aden in August – we are calling for a ceasefire to protect their health.”

Yemen is a country in which 80 per cent of the population is already in need of humanitarian assistance and protection due to more than four years of conflict. The very last thing they need is further conflict, further instability, and further uncertainty for the lives and livelihoods of those they love. Thousands are currently unable to access food, water and electricity, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

“As a humanitarian organisation working to help 1.5 million Yemenis a month, CARE sees daily the catastrophic impact of war on the people of Yemen,” says Veldwijk. “The parties involved in fighting must put the needs of their people first and – with the support of the international community – take steps towards dialogue and reconciliation. Peace in Yemen is only possible through political means. Fighting is not the answer and will only prolong the misery for Yemen.”

CARE has a large team of staff in Aden who are implementing humanitarian projects across the southern parts of Yemen. Our projects range from providing lifesaving food, cash and clean water to internally displaced people, to working with farmers, supporting women’s economic development and rebuilding schools.

CARE has worked in Yemen since 1992 and is one of few international aid agencies continuing to deliver humanitarian services under extremely challenging circumstances. CARE is focusing on making sure that people in the hardest-hit and most hard-to-reach areas have access to emergency supplies and assistance with meeting their basic needs.

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