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A skill for a secure income

A man with a hammer digging a rock

Mohammed working on stone carving as part of the cash for work project

Mohammed working on stone carving as part of the cash for work project

“I used to barely buy enough wheat flour for the day for my family,” says Mohammed Mansour. “There were times when I couldn’t afford to buy any. I don’t have a fixed income and I am jobless now because of the situation in Yemen and the crisis.”

There are countless others like Mohammed who have lost their jobs and sources of income in Alsoudah district of Amran governorate. The conflict which has been ongoing for four and half years has increased the numbers of unemployed and dramatically worsened the living situations for millions of people. Families across Yemen are in dire need of humanitarian assistance to survive. Mohammed used to be a supply teacher, and received a monthly wage to cover his family’s daily expenses. It has been many years since he has been able to find teaching work.

A man and two boys sitting under a tree
Mohammed with two of his sons

To help people like Mohammed, CARE intervened in Alsoudah with a cash for work project funded by the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. The project offers people a chance to earn an income, enabling them to buy much-needed essentials for their families. It also restores hope and dignity, as well as rehabilitating community assets.

“When I heard about the project, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to participate,” says Mohammed. “Previously, people in this area were desperate, hopeless and lazy, but after the intervention, people became more engaged and more active. People benefited not only from receiving the money, but they also acquired a skill to help them find work anywhere.”

With the stone carving skills Mohammed has acquired, he is now able to work and earn a decent wage. “I am able to find work not only to pave, but also to build houses, thanks to CARE. Many locals have benefited from the project and they feel they can find work even after the intervention ends in their area. They believe that the project has improved their lives. I feel very satisfied that I acquired a skill and can secure a source of income for my family.”

A man with a beard and mustache smiling
Mohammed is very happy to have been part of CARE’s OFDA-funded project
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