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A new road for a better life

A stone wall on a mountain

The stunning landscape on the way to Al Routhah village in Malhan district

The stunning landscape on the way to Al Routhah village in Malhan district

Surrounded by the majestic mountains of Mahwit governorate, Al Routhah village in Milhan district enjoys a stunning landscape. The tall mountains embrace green terraces as well as remote villages that were built at the edge of high cliffs. Despite the beauty though, the rough mountainous roads to Al Routhah village made life very difficult for its inhabitants. Like many villagers who live in remote villages that sit on top of Yemen’s mountains, the people of Al Routhah village suffered from a lack of safe paved roads. This means that they couldn’t access food, water, medicine and other basic services.

A group of people walking on rocks
Locals of Al Routhah village rehabilitating the road to their village

Khalid Mahdi, 45 years old, lives with his five children in Al Routhah village. “Falling rocks were the biggest hazard,” says Khalid. “They used to threaten the lives of people passing on the road as well as ruin agricultural terraces.”

For many years, villagers lost their cars and livestock while traveling on the risky road. Transporting patients, including elderly and pregnant women, to the hospital was a struggle. Over the years, residents tried to pave the road themselves. However, this was beyond their capacity and left them hopeless.

Luckily for Al Routhah village residents, with funding from Germany’s Relief Coalition (ADH), CARE intervened in Milhan district of Mahwit governorate to support early recovery and enhance the resilience of affected communities. Through cash-for-work activities, five community assets in Milhan district, including Al Routhah road, were rehabilitated by locals who benefitted from the temporary employment the project created.

Residents of Al Routhah village worked hard to pave the road and build a one-meter protection wall. As a result, the residents have earned a much-needed temporary income to secure their family’s basic needs.

A stone road with rocks and a stone wall
The newly rehabilitated road

“Rehabilitating the road is a big achievement,” says Khalid with great excitement. “Now, it takes a few minutes instead of long hours to reach the nearest health centre or market. Transportation costs have also dropped immensely. I hope that CARE will continue to support us to pave more roads and build protective walls,” he concludes.

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