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Education & Vocational Training

A school in Taiz, rehabilitated by CARE.

Over 2 million school-age girls and boys are out of school and a total of 2,507 schools across the country are out-of-use; many have been destroyed during fighting or are being used to host internally displaced people desperate for shelter.

Nearly 8.1 million school-age girls and boys need Education in Emergencies (EiE) assistance
across Yemen. These include 1.65 million internally displaced children, 1.5 million children with a disability and minority groups who face challenges in accessing education.

CARE implements education programs aiming at supporting vulnerable school-age girls and boys
have improved access to education through creating a safe, child-friendly and equal learning environment.

We support vocational training programming through rehabilitating training Institutes, providing capacity building, and equipping trainers. We link vocational training with youth empowerment activities such as the provision of small business grants and loans.