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Food Security & Livelihoods

A farmer receives a package of seeds.

Due to economic collapse, a loss of jobs and livelihoods, as well as soaring food prices, 16.2 million people in Yemen, are food insecure, including nearly 5.1 million who are suffering from extreme levels of hunger.

An estimated 7.6 million people need support to treat or prevent malnutrition, including nearly 2.3 million children under five and 1.2 million pregnant and lactating women who require treatment for acute malnutrition.

CARE works to enhance the food security and nutritional status of Yemeni families, including those displaced by conflict who are especially vulnerable. Through cash & voucher transfer as well as general food distribution programming, CARE supports the most vulnerable and conflict-affected households to meet their basic and immediate needs to access food, restore their dignity and avoid using distress coping strategies.

Through cash-for-work projects, we support communities to construct and rehabilitate key structures like schools, wells and roads. Participants receive cash in return for their work. We also implement livelihoods programmes with the aim of enhancing self-sustainability and income generation. This involves training in agricultural skills, provision of seeds and tools, and linking farmers with traders; as well as the provision of livestock and training in livestock rearing.

We establish Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs), with the aim of providing small community-based loans to poor rural people. VSLAs empower communities – particularly women – to sustainably access financial services.